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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recommended Exercise Equipments to Control Obesity & Weight Loss

Obesity - Exercise equipments for Weight Loss

Obesity is defined as abnormal amount of fat on the body. Obesity can contribute to high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Obesity not only decreases life expectancy, but can cause psychological stress due to worry and lack of confidence in oneself. Most people are looking for quick weight loss, but they fail to take into account that the excess pounds have accumulated slowly over the years due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise through gym equipments like kettlebells, spin bike, rowing machine, treadmills, exercise bikes etc. The major reason why many fad diets fail is the urgency factor. Strict dieting throws your metabolic rate into a tailspin! When the body is deprived of food, your metabolic rate slows down. Fad dieting can also cause loss of muscle mass.

So what's the solution to control Obesity ?
Good exercise fitness equipment like elliptical trainer, weight plates, cross trainer and many more, helps to keep the metabolism at a steady level, even when you eat less. Exercise also helps maintain muscle mass when you diet. Permanent weight control involves a lifelong commitment to regular exercise and good eating habits with bodybuilding supplements. Faddish diets and stop and start exercise programs ultimately end in disappointment. Remember that not to make the perfect body but whatever that might be for your body to feel and work well, must be your goal and only that, will make you feel good!

Obesity is one of the fast growing epidemic and one of the largest public health problems in the industrialized world. It increases the risk of many diseases and may also lead to social and emotional problems. Obesity is considered a significant health issue because overweight and obese people have may more health problems than people of normal weight. Many overweight people suffer from adjustment problems and depression. Risk of obesity must be controlled by visiting commercial gym or regular exercise with home gym equipments along with good food intake.

A measurement called body mass index (BMI) is used to determine if a person is obese. The body mass index represents the relationship between a person's height and weight. Obesity is caused by consuming more calories than are burned (used up) over time. Lifestyle changes that include eating larger portions of high-calorie food combined with lack of exercise have become common today. Physical inactivity is the most important cause of obesity. Much of this inactivity is related to modern lifestyle. Many people in industrialized countries have sedentary jobs. People also engage in social and leisure activities that burn fewer calories. The risk of serious medical condition increases with higher BMI values. In addition, obesity reduces the quality of life, complicates recovery from surgery and so on. There is also discrimination against obese people. Obese people often have less social success than the physically fit ones and also find it harder to get jobs.

Gym equipment for weight loss in obese people improves or eliminates obesity-related medical conditions and improves the quality of life. Many of the results are directly related to the amount of weight lost. Beneficial health effects are seen after weight loss.